Learn To Run Barefooted And Avoid Foot Injuries

You can go out and purchase the fanciest athletic shoes and still end up experiencing all kinds of foot problems. Podiatrists in general agree that wearing bulky athletic footwear exerts more excessive strain on leg and foot joints than when you're walking around in high heel shoes. So what can an athlete do to avoid foot problems that produce searing pain and other related foot conditions? You can start by running barefooted. Consider that graphic statistics support the worth of running barefooted, and read on for more information.

Know That How You Land On Your Feet Is Important

Comparison graphics show that, when you're running, your heel strike in shoes is predominant. When you're running barefooted, on the other hand, you land on the ball of your feet. That is a more relaxed position that causes no stress on your feet. Graphics also promote the reasoning that traditional running shoes create a high degree of hip rotation torque, knee varus torque, and knee flexion torque. 

Note Success Of Kenyan Marathon Runners

Have you noticed that champion marathon runners from Kenya are the ones winning championship marathon races each year in America and other Western countries? Kenyans and runners from other African countries are used to running barefooted over hills and mountains, and their careers last longer than runners here in America. They also have fewer foot, ankle, and knee problems and have minimal back problems as well. Interestingly enough, barefoot running advocates say the biomechanics of their running gait allows them to adjust their landing gait with less force as they land on their feet.

Understand The Scientific Conclusion About Athletic Running Shoes

Podiatrists are leaning toward the finding that barefoot running promotes healthy feet that are free of plantar faciitis, some knee problems, and other injuries. They're saying this occurs because athletic running shoes decrease your natural sensory feedback and disturbs your body's natural shock absorbing characteristics. Many athletic running shoes lessen your awareness of your foot's positioning as you are landing, which increases the risk of injuring your foot.

Consult With Your Podiatrist About Running Barefooted

If you're thinking of running barefooted, talk to your podiatrist about your plans. Since the advent of barefoot running is being promoted by podiatrists, you can obtain valuable information about how to go about embracing this natural way of keeping your feet healthy and doing so responsibly. In addition, you shouldn't abruptly switch to running barefooted though, but you can begin the transition gradually with brief periods of jogging. Later, you can practice longer periods of running barefooted.
