Preventing Complications: Diabetic Foot Care

For people living with diabetes, taking care of their feet is of utmost importance. Unfortunately, diabetes puts people at risk of developing foot problems that can lead to severe complications like infections, amputations, or even death. Foot problems are more common among people with diabetes due to the damage high blood sugar levels can cause to blood vessels and nerves. Although it may seem overwhelming, with proper foot care, these complications can be avoided. In this blog, we’ll discuss some ways to prevent foot problems and take great care of your feet.

Inspect Your Feet Regularly

The first step to taking care of your feet is checking them regularly. It is essential to inspect your feet every day, looking for changes such as cuts or blisters, ingrown toenails, sores, swelling, or redness. People with diabetes may not feel pain or other early signs of foot problems due to nerve damage, which is why daily foot inspections are so vital. If you have trouble seeing or reaching your feet, ask a loved one or healthcare provider for assistance.

Wash and Dry Your Feet Daily

Keeping your feet clean and dry is vital in maintaining good foot health. Use warm water and mild soap to wash your feet daily, making sure to clean in between your toes. Always remember to dry your feet well, especially between the toes, as moisture can cause problems. Avoid soaking your feet for long periods, which can dry out your feet and cause cracks.

Wear Proper Footwear

One of the significant factors contributing to diabetic foot issues is poorly fitting shoes. When choosing shoes, make sure they fit well, with plenty of room for your toes. Avoid tight-fitting or pointed shoes that can cause blisters or calluses. Never go barefoot, and avoid shoes that rub or irritate your feet. It is best to choose shoes made of breathable materials, like leather or canvas, which allow your feet to breathe.

Cut Your Nails Carefully

Cutting your toenails can be tricky, but it is crucial in avoiding ingrown toenails. It is best to cut your nails straight across and avoid rounding the corners to prevent the nails from growing into the skin. Consider seeking the services of a podiatrist or another healthcare provider if you find it challenging to cut your nails.

Control Your Blood Sugar

Blood sugar control plays a significant role in preventing diabetic complications, including diabetic foot ulcers. High blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage and reduce blood flow to the feet, making them more prone to infection or injury. Take your diabetes medication as prescribed, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly to control your blood sugar levels and prevent complications.

Taking care of your feet is an essential task for people living with diabetes. With daily inspections, proper footwear, careful nail care, and control of blood sugar levels, you can prevent complications and enjoy a healthy life. Be sure to elevate your feet when resting, avoid smoking, and avoid more significant problems by having yearly foot exams with your healthcare provider. Although foot care may seem overwhelming, it can be an essential part of a healthier lifestyle.

Contact an orthopedic professional to learn more about diabetic foot care.
