Make Sure To Take Care Of Your Stress Fracture

If you are a runner, your feet take a lot of abuse. You may end up with a stress fracture in your foot. A stress fracture happens when the muscle in your feet have suffered from overuse and are fatigued and can't absorb more stress, so you end up with a tiny fracture in the foot because the stress has been passed along to your bone. If you have a stress fracture in your foot, how you are supposed to handle it?


RICE is a way for you to remember rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Rest means taking a break from your running schedule for a few days. You don't want to add in more undue stress on your foot. If you have to walk around, wear a shoe that will give you plenty of support. You may be tempted to wear a nice soft slipper, but it won't give your foot the support you need. You should make sure that you are regularly icing your foot. It will help keep down the inflammation and help handle any pain. Just make sure that you are using a cloth in between your foot and the ice so that you don't get any frostbite. You should also wrap your foot up with a bandage, and put it up every chance you get. 

New Footwear

Your doctor may recommend that you get new footwear. One choice may be a special boot. That will give your foot the support it needs and let you walk around some. Your doctor may also recommend that you wear orthopedic inserts for the duration of the healing period, and may recommend different inserts for when you are running. They may want to look at the shoes that you have been wearing when you are running. If you have been wearing old and worn out shoes, you may be more prone to stress fractures. Ideally, you should be changing your shoes at least twice a year so that they aren't losing their springiness and support. Your running shoes should help absorb the shock when your foot hits the ground, and old shoes just don't have that ability. 

If you are a runner, you know that you really need to take care of your feet. If you get a stress fracture, you need to take the time to make sure it heals so that you can get back to your running schedule. For more information, contact local professionals like Jeffrey M Marks DPM.
